Oil Portrait Paintings Online

Oil portrait paintings are a timeless way to preserve memories and celebrate the unique character of a loved one. At ArtZolo.com, we offer a curated collection of exquisite oil portraits created by talented artists. Our diverse selection features a range of styles, from classical realism to modern interpretations. Whether you're searching for a traditional portrait or a more contemporary piece, we have something for everyone. Browse our collection to find the perfect oil portrait painting that will become a cherished heirloom for generations to come.

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Figurative oil painting titled 'Fantasy II', 30x34 inches, by artist Darshan Sharma on Canvas
 30x34 in / 76x86 cm
Figurative oil painting titled 'Under Water', 36x48 inches, by artist Darshan Sharma on Canvas
 36x48 in / 91x121 cm
Portrait oil painting titled 'Window to the Soul', 20x16 inches, by artist Maheen Mathew on Canvas Board
 30x24 in / 76x60 cm 30x25 in / 76x63 cm