Pallavi Deodhar

Pallavi Deodhar is an Artist from Pune India is greatly inspired by female beauty. Her paintings are a reflection of female thoughts & dreams. Female form is a central element of her art is enchanting mysterious enigma .In her painting observes the couples are in love with each other. Works are in bright colors. They having dreamy expressions of female & different kinds of textures which creates harmony in the painting. Works are having symbols of their thoughts. For Pallavi ,painting is an process of creative & expressive activity where emotions & dreams are plays a greater role in the end product.



Dip.A.Ed - 2006-2007

Abhinav Kalamahavidyalaya, Pune.

G.D. Art - 2005 -2006 (First Class)

In Drawing and Painting, (Portrait),

Abhinav Kalamahavidyalaya, Pune.


1.Abhinav Kalamahavidyalaya ,Annual Exibition, 2007.

2.Silver Medal, Manav Sanket Academy, Ujjain (M.P), 2005.

3.Chitari Academy, 2005.

Group Shows:

1. Morpicch Art Gallery ,Housten, 2013.

2. Nehru Centre Art Gallery, Mumbai, 2009.

3. J Studio Art Gallery, Pune, 2008.

4. Bajaj Art Gallery, Mumbai, 2008.

5. Abhinav Kalamahavidyalaya,Annual Exibition, Pune, 2007.

6. Suchitra Art Gallery, Mumbai, 2006.

7. Waves Art Gallery, Pune, 2005.

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