Pradipta Chakraborty

Education: BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (B.F.A) in Graphics from Kala Bhavana, Vishva Bharati University, Shantiniketan, West Bengal (from 1998 to 2003). FIVE YEARS DEPLOMA in Painting From Rabindra Bharati University, West Bengal, Kalkota. National Scholarship to Young Artists in Different Fields for the year 2003-2004. Merit Scholarship from Kala Bhavana Shantiniketan Vishva Bharati University, Shantiniketan, West Bengal 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, 2002-2003. Solo Show: Fourth Solo Show in Singapore. 2013. Group Show: Group show in chandigarh art museum, 2013. “SENSORIUM” Master group show in kolkata, 2013. Group show in chandigarh art museum 2013. “An Art Store” Group show in Gallery kolkata 2013 “Carpe Diem” Group show of contemporary art, in Nvya Gallerie New Delhi, 2011. “July screening” in Shakshi Gallery in Mumbai, 2010. “Fresh departures” A Group Show in Gallery Kolkata, in kolkata 2010 “Within Reach II” A Group Show in Gallerie Nvya in NewDelhi, 2010. “PASSION PLAY” Two man show in Sarjan art gallery, Boroda, India in 2008. Three way exchange exhibition with Comferwell College of Arts,LONDON.2002. National Art School, Sydney, AUSTRALIA 2002. An Exchange Exhibition with SAGA ART COLLEGE, JAPAN 2002. A Group Show in Institute of Music & Fine Arts, JAMMU 2002. Annual Group Exhibition, NANDAN ART GALLERY SHANTINIKETAN 2002,2003 Collection: His art works has reached private collectors locally and internationally Collection: His art works has reached private collectors locally and internationally​
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