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Professional Qualifications :
DVA in Sculpture from AFA, Kolkata in 1998.
Solo Exhibition :
Academy of Fine Arts in 2008 , 2011 & 2014
Group Exhibitions Above hundred group exhibitions in all over India and abroad,
mainly Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai, Hydrabad, Chandigarh.
Participations :
1) All India Annual Exhibition organized by Academy of
Fine Arts, Kolkata since 1998.
2) AIFACS Zonal Exhibition in 2000.
3) State Level Exhibition (West Bengal) in 2001, 2004,
2005, 2006 & 2007. Bombay Art Society Annual -2015.
Invited Exhibition :
Gallery M international, Birla Academy of Art & Culture ,
Indo Bangla Desh at AFA, Weavers Studio For Art & Culture.
Sculpture Gallery, Akrity Art Gallery, ICCR, etc in Kolkata.
MEC Art Gallery ,India Habitat Centre. Lalit Kala Akademy,
Art Konsult, Chowla Art Gallery, Nirvana Art Gallery, Art Alive
Gallery, France Embassy, New Delhi.
Nandan Art Gallery, Artists Centre , Jehangir Art Gallery.
Awards :
1) Best Sculpture Award in 71st All India Exhibition Organized
by Academy of Fine Arts ,Kolkata in 2006.
2) College Annual Exhibition Award in 1997 & 1998.
3) Certificate of Merit from Govt. of West Bengal (State
Level Exhibition in 2004 and 2007).
4) Certificate of Merit from AFA in 2015.
Work shop :
Many workshop in all over India.
Collections :
Ministry of Defence Govt. of India , Birla Academy of Art & . Culture & many private collections in India & abroad.